Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Manford Primary School's Staff INSET

Introduction to Blogging and Podcasting
Well done to all the teachers at Manford for a fantastic staff meeting! On Monday night all teachers were taught how to create a blog and how to podcast. It was a jam packed session with hands on activities. All teachers were very enthusiastic and excited at the prospects blogging and podcasting will bring.
Here we are creating our first podcast.

These are two new ways of communicating, collaborating and sharing work and events with a wider audience instantly and I am sure staff will fly with this and begin to build these tools into the curriculum and outside of it. There were some excellent podcasts recorded to promote reading by teachers. Take a listen at the following link (scroll to Redbridge-Manford-Teacher examples) - to access them click the link that follows:
Lgfl Podcasting hosting site

Manford are now fully up and running with blogging and each year group is about to begin their own blogs. After having great success with the blogs created for activity week and Glasbury we have now created bloggs for school events, year groups and much more. Feel free to post a comment on anything that interests you on any of the blogs.
Check out our school blog and links to year group blogs.....

School Website
We have also been working hard at developing our school website. This has been extremely useful and instantly all the links to the podcasts and blogs that we have created have been accessed by children and feedback has been good.

This website along with blogging and podcasting has recently been promoted at our curriculum evening. Parents were very interested in the developments in ICT and were keen to have a go at recording their voices using the desktop microphones and audacity (with help from children!)


Tony Evans said...

OOH exciting

well done Lucy and the Bowsh! This is great work.

Podcast Coach said...

Great to see another use of Podcasting. Therre are thousands of ways people can use Podcasting to get their word out.

Dave Jackson

グリー said...


阪神ジュベナイルフィリーズ said...

阪神ジュベナイルフィリーズ 2010を徹底予想!!過去の結果やデータから分かる高配当の法則…出走馬の状態などを現地のスタッフからお届けします!

メル友 said...
